Monday, February 28, 2011

Improve Your Putting For A Great Golf Score

Putting is an essential part of golf but for whatever the reason people spend most of their practice time swinging the big clubs and ignoring what arguably is the most important club in the bag. If you watch a major championship then you should know that the title is not won or lost when using the big clubs but what happens when the putter is pulled out of the bag. The worlds most famous golfer Tiger Woods knows this and he starts his best selling "How I Play Golf" with ways to improve your putting.

There is nothing sexy about putting and unless the putt is in the twenty foot range it tends not to bring out the loud cheers although it should. Take a look at your last golf card and you will quickly see that most of your strokes are not off the tee but on the green. Now imagine that the majority of your three putts become twos and the majority of your two putts go straight in the hole and the impact it would have on your scorecard. The best way to drop your score is not in a drive that goes an extra twenty yards but on your consistency on the green. Two putt every hole on a typical round adds up to thirty six strokes on your scorecard and is a very good reason why you are struggling to break eighty or possible a hundred.

Next time you head out to the driving range think about the smallest club in the bag and make sure that it sees some daylight in between rounds for as they like to say in the big leagues putting is where you earn your paycheck. Improve your putting and the rest of your game will follow plus you will make some money off of your friends during those friendly wagers.

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